2025 ARCCA Business Plan Development

ARCCA Seeks Consultant for Strategic Business Plan

The Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA) is seeking qualified consultants to develop a comprehensive business plan guiding our transition to a statewide entity serving California’s climate adaptation needs.

We’re looking for expertise in nonprofit organizational development, climate policy, and financial sustainability planning.

The ideal consultant will help shape our governance structure, create a 3-year financial model, and develop an implementation roadmap for our core activities: sharing adaptation best practices, advancing policy initiatives, and facilitating excellence in climate adaptation across California. For full details, please see the Request for Proposal.

Budget is up to $30,000 with proposals due by April 18, 2025. Final deliverables are expected by July 18, 2025.

To submit questions or a proposal, contact admin@arccacalifornia.org. Please help us spread the word about this RFP by sharing this email with your networks.