State Agencies

California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)

CalEPA’s mission is to restore, protect and enhance the environment, to ensure public health, environmental quality and economic vitality. Most notably, CalEPA leads the state’s Climate Action Team and environmental justice efforts, and developed CalEnviroScreen through OEHHA.

Climate Action

Climate Action Team
Climate Action Team members work to coordinate statewide efforts to implement global warming emissions reduction programs and the state’s climate adaptation strategy. The team is led by the Secretary of CalEPA.

Creating and Mapping an Urban Heat Island Index for California
Defines and examines the characteristics of the urban heat island, and assigns an urban heat island index for each census tract in and around selected urban areas throughout the state. Along with other environmental studies, this research can help identify and prioritize areas for mitigation.

Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness

CalEPA Emergency Response Management Committee (ERMaC)
Coordinates preparedness for and responses to environmental emergencies in California under assigned statutory authorities. ERMaC’s mission is to manage public health and environmental consequences of emergency events through effective, coordinated agency-wide preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation activities. ERMaC is responsible for emergency planning and training, and coordinates all CalEPA entities in emergency response and recovery. It serves as the forum for developing and maintaining the CalEPA collective Administrative Orders and emergency response plans.

Emergency Resources by Topic
Includes detailed information for effective emergency response for air quality, animal disposal, avian influenza, debris removal and disposal, drought and water conservation, earthquake, fire response and recovery, hazardous materials & oil spills, and preparing for an emergency.

Environmental Justice

CalEPA Environmental Justice Task Force
Coordinates the compliance and enforcement work of CalEPA’s boards, departments and office in areas of California that are burdened by multiple sources of pollution and are disproportionately vulnerable to its effects. The Task Force’s mission is to facilitate the use of environmental justice considerations in compliance and enforcement programs and enhance communications with community members to maximize benefits in disproportionately impacted areas.

CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants
Offers funding opportunities authorized by California Code of Regulations Title 27, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 1 to assist eligible non-profit community organizations and federally-recognized Tribal governments address environmental justice issues in areas disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and hazards. The EJ Small Grants are awarded on a competitive basis.

Environmental Justice Publications and Resources
Includes program updates, reports, agency and intra-agency strategies, and more.

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)

CNRA’s mission is to restore, protect and manage the state’s natural, historical and cultural resources for current and future generations using creative approaches and solutions based on science, collaboration and respect for all the communities and interests involved.

Safeguarding California