Our Guiding Principles
Climate change is happening now, and is expected to accelerate in the years ahead. California’s economy, infrastructure, public health and natural systems will be significantly impacted by extreme storm events, flooding, wildfire, heat waves, loss of water supply, air quality degradation and sea level rise. We are facing a historic governing challenge from climate change. A $2 trillion annual economy and the needs of nearly 40 million residents ride on the outcome of the state’s preparations and response.
California is already enacting an initial set of measures intended to prevent, prepare for, and adapt to climate change. While these efforts are an encouraging and positive sign, the measures are spread across a variety of sectors and agencies, and encompass a wide range of initial strategies. Reducing our risks and increasing our resiliency to the changes ahead will require a new and unprecedented degree of collaborative action throughout California. We must begin now to encourage this level of cooperation, starting with a shared set of goals and principles that allow us to balance economic, social and environmental needs as we seek to align state, regional and local governments, and bring them together with community organizations, businesses and other key stakeholders for the benefit of all Californians.
A fully annotated version of these principles is available here.