ARCCA Leadership – Neena Mohan

Neena Mohan

Neena Mohan

Project Associate | Farallon Strategies

Neena Mohan is a Project Associate at Farallon Strategies, and brings a background in environmental justice, climate and energy policy, and climate adaptation in their support of the Bay Climate Adaptation Network and other programs and projects. Neena’s experience includes serving as the Climate Justice Program Manager and Climate and Air Campaign Manager at the California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA), where they worked on fossil fuel phase-out, transportation justice, air quality improvement, and Just Transition issues alongside environmental justice communities.

Neena served on the AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and on the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Clean Transportation Advisory Committee. As an undergraduate student, Neena had the opportunity to work with Earthjustice and National Parks Conservation Association to uplift diverse voices and share critical environmental narratives.