ARCCA has played a pivotal role in creating a unified voice and elevating the regional approach in climate adaptation discourse, as well as in advocating for greater coordination and integration across sectors, across jurisdictions, and through the vertical hierarchy of government. Through our work with our member regional collaboratives and key state agencies, such as the Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation and the California Natural Resources Agency, ARCCA has become a trusted voice in the adaptation space and frequently relied upon for subject-matter expertise, policy recommendations, stakeholder engagement, and to bring attention to important considerations that have been overlooked, such as the urban-rural interface for climate impacts and adaptation.
Comment Letters
ARCCA has developed comment letters for 49 key policy documents, funding guidelines, requests for information, and other state policy engagement opportunities, providing over 303 pages of robust, detailed recommendations to help improve state guidance documents, policies, and programs. We employ a collaborative process for developing these comment letters, creating opportunities for engagement from local and regional members who represent municipalities, regional agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, community-based organizations, foundations, consulting firms, and other supporting organizations working in various sectors. This process enables us to create a unified voice that accurately reflects local and regional interests and concerns. ARCCA provided comment letters in response to the following publications and programs:
- FY24-25 Budget Protect Climate Program Funds (group letter organized by CivicWell with support from ARCCA members), February 2024
- Extreme Heat and Community Resilience Grant Round 1 Draft Guidelines, December 2023
- California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment RFI, May 2023
- Governor’s January Proposed FY 23-24 Budget (group letter organized by CivicWell with support from ARCCA members), May 2023
- Regional Climate Collaboratives Program Round 2 Draft Program Guidelines, April 2023
- Governor’s January Proposed FY 23-24 Budget (group letter organized by CivicWell with support from ARCCA members), April 2023
- Regional Resilience Planning Grant Program (RRGP) Round 1 Draft Program Guidelines, March 2023
- Community Resilience Centers (CRC) Program Round 1 Draft Guidelines, January 2023
- Adaptation Planning Grant Program (APGP) Round 1 Draft Program Guidelines, October 2022
- FY22-23 State Climate Resilience Budget Recommendations (group letter organized by CivicWell with support from ARCCA members), June 2022
- Regional Climate Collaboratives (RCC) Program Round 1 Draft Program Guidelines, March 2022
- Draft Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy, November 2021
- Draft 2021 California Climate Adaptation Strategy, November 2021
- FY21-22 State Climate Resilience Budget Recommendations (group letter organized by CivicWell with support from ARCCA members), August 2021
- Fire Hazard Planning Technical Advisory: General Plan Technical Advice Series, 2020 Update: Public Review Draft, December 2020
- California Adaptation Planning Guide, March 2020 Final Public Review Draft, March 2020
- California Adaptation Planning Guide, November 2019 Public Review Draft, January 2020
- House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Request for Information, November 2019
- Water Resilience Portfolio Initiative, September 2019
- January 2019 Draft: CA 2030 Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan, February 2019
- Draft Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program Grant Guidelines, February 2019
- CA Climate Investments 2018 Funding Guidelines Discussion, April 2018
- Wildlife Conservation Board Draft Adaptation and Resiliency Program Guidelines, March 2018
- Draft Research Investment Plan: Climate Change Research Program, December 2017
- Draft Safeguarding California Plan: 2017 Update, June 2017
- 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update, April 2017
- Draft Forest Carbon Plan, March 2017
- Transformative Climate Communities Program Revised Draft Scoping Guidelines, March 2017
- State Water Resources Control Board Proposed Resolution on Climate Change, March 2017
- Transformative Climate Communities Program Draft Scoping Guidelines, January 2017
- 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft, December 2016
- GGRF Draft Funding Guidelines Supplement for FY 2016-17 Funds, December 2016
- CEQA Guidelines Update, November 2016
- SB379 Safety Element Update of General Plan Guidelines, November 2016
- Vibrant Communities and Landscapes, September 2016
- 2030 Scoping Plan Concept Paper, July 2016
- Proposed Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, May 2016
- Working Lands Discussion Paper, April 2016
- General Plan Guidelines, December 2015
- Safeguarding California: Implementation Action Plans, December 2015
- Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Second Investment Plan Draft Concepts, September 2015
- Auction Proceeds Funding Guidelines, June 2015
- Executive Order B-30-15, April 2015
- Phase I Application for the National Disaster Resilience Competition, March 2015
- Senate Environmental Quality Committee, February 2015
- Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, October 2014
- Climate Change Research Plan for California, September 2014
- Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report, May 2014
- State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, April 2014
High-level recommendations echoed in multiple comment letters include:
- Adopting a regional approach to climate adaptation, recognizing that climate impacts will vary in severity and nature between regions, as well each region’s ability to cope and approach to adapting, making regional efforts more likely have a more holistic impact that addresses the region’s specific needs and shared goals;
- Prioritizing strategies that produce co-benefits to enable the state to achieve multiple goals with limited resources, particularly by employing landscape- or watershed-scale analyses and including greenhouse gas reduction strategies;
- Prioritizing investments to support rural areas that steward important resources that the state relies upon, such as clean water, clean air, carbon storage, and recreation; and
- Fostering cross-sectoral collaboration and integration to properly address the interdisciplinary nature of adaptation planning.
ARCCA’s presence in these dialogues directly resulted in the inclusion of ARCCA as an example or resource in several state policies and guidance documents including:
- LCI’s Statewide General Plan Guidelines
- Safeguarding California Plan: 2017 Update
- Safeguarding California: Implementation Action Plans
- Executive Order B-30-15
- Climate Change Research Plan for California