California Climate Resilience Grant Program Tracker

What are we tracking?

California’s $3.7 billion Climate Resilience Package, adopted as part of the FY 2021-22 State Budget, includes allocations to existing programs and a set of new programs, to be developed by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and other state agencies, across multiple years. Nearly $370 million was appropriated through the FY 2021-22 State Budget; commitments for future years (FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24) will need to be appropriated in their respective annual budgets in order for corresponding programs to receive funding.

This tracker has been developed to provide our best estimation of program development and grantmaking timelines for new climate resilience grant programs as a resource for California’s climate resilience practitioners. While this tracker has been informed by direct engagement with program staff, please note that all content included here is subject to change and, unless otherwise stated, only reflects ARCCA staff estimates. We encourage all users to visit agency websites to view official timelines.

The following grant programs are included in this tracker. If you have updated information to share or suggestions or other new grant programs for ARCCA to track, please contact Julia Kim at

Last Updated: May 16, 2023

Please note that ARCCA is in the process of reviewing the Governor’s January Proposed Budget and this page does not currently reflect proposed program budget changes.

SGC Regional Climate Collaboratives Grant Program

This section reflects official information posted by SGC.


The State’s Climate Resilience Package includes a total of $20 million for this program: $10 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year.

The Regional Climate Collaboratives (RCC) Program is a new capacity building grant program for under-resourced communities in California. Administered by the Strategic Growth Council, RCC enables community-rooted and cross-sectoral partners to deepen their relationships and develop the processes, plans, and projects that will drive and sustain climate action. The goal of the program is to strengthen local coordination, leadership, knowledge, skills, and expertise with a particular focus on increasing access to funding resources for project planning and implementation within under-resourced communities.


A total of $8.5 million is available for awards in Round 2.

  • Application Launch

    July 6, 2023

  • Application Pre-proposals Due

    September 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM PT

  • Final Applications Due

    October 7, 2022 at 5:00 PM PT

  • Expected Project Start

    Spring 2024

OPR Adaptation Planning Grant Program

This timeline reflects both official information posted by OPR and ARCCA staff estimates.


The State’s Climate Resilience Package includes a total of $25 million for this program: $10 million in the FY 2021-22 State Budget and, upon appropriation, $10 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year and $5 million in the 2023-24 fiscal year.

The Adaptation Planning Grant Program provides funding to help fill local, regional, and tribal planning needs, provides communities the resources to identify climate resilience priorities, and supports the development of a pipeline of climate-resilient infrastructure projects across the state.


A total of $10 million is estimated to be available for awards in Round 1.

  • Application Launch

    January 6, 2023

  • Round 1 Applications Due

    March 31, 2023 by 5:00pm

  • Round 1 Awards Announced

    May-June 2023

  • Expected Project Start

    Spring 2024

OPR Regional Resilience Planning and Implementation Grant Program

This timeline reflects both official information posted by OPR and ARCCA staff estimates.


The State’s Climate Resilience Package includes a total of $250 million for this program: $25 million in the FY 2021-22 State Budget and, upon appropriation, $125 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year and $100 million in the 2023-24 fiscal year.

The Regional Resilience Planning & Implementation Grant Program will support regional projects and plans that improve regional climate resilience and reduce risks from climate impacts, including wildfire, sea level rise, drought, flood, increasing temperatures, and extreme heat events.

The first grant cycle will include $25 million, of which at least $12.5 million will support regional climate adaptation planning efforts and the development of action plans that prioritize projects or actions necessary to respond to the greatest climate risks facing the region, particularly in the most vulnerable communities.


A total of $12.5 million will be available for awards in Round 1.

  • Intent to Apply Survey

    Now Live

  • Application Launch

    June 13, 2023

  • Application Deadline

    September 2023

  • Expected Project Start Date

    January 2024

SGC Community Resilience Centers Grant Program

This timeline reflects both official information posted by SGC and ARCCA staff estimates.


Through the Governor’s signing of AB 179, the Budget Act of 2022, the program now has $110 million available for Round 1 and $160 million for Round 2, intended for both planning and implementation activities for a total of $270 million over both rounds.

This grant program will fund neighborhood-level resilience centers to provide shelter and resources during climate and other emergencies, as well as year-round services and programming that strengthen community connections and ability to withstand disasters. CRC takes a holistic approach to building community resilience by bringing together a comprehensive set of infrastructure upgrades, service delivery, and supportive programming that are developed and implemented in partnership with neighborhood residents. The program will provide funding for both planning and implementation grants, as well as new construction and upgrades to existing facilities.


A total of $100 million will be available for awards in Round 1 ($95 million for implementation grants and $5 million for planning grants).

  • NOFA Released

    May 2023

  • Application Launch

    May 2023

  • Application Deadline

    September 2023

  • Expected Project Start Date:

    January-June 2024

OPR Community Resilience and Heat Grant Program

This timeline only reflects ARCCA staff estimates.


The State’s Climate Resilience Package includes a total of $100 million for this program: $25 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year and $75 million in the 2023-24 fiscal year, upon appropriation.

This grant program is intended to fund projects that mitigate the impacts of extreme heat or the urban heat island effort. Eligible project strategies include, but are not limited to, heat action plans, providing mechanical or natural shade, increasing building and surface reflectance, providing passive or low-energy cooling, and promoting evaporative cooling.


A total of $25 million will be available for awards in Round 1.

  • Listening Sessions

    May 9-31, 2023

  • Guidelines Development

    July – September 2023

  • Application Launch

    January – March 2024