The preceding elements help to establish a strong starting point for initial work and a good set of working partners. Next, you should develop a work plan that all parties can support, that aligns with individual member capacities, and provides concrete actions to further your efforts. A realistic, action-oriented, flexible, and opportunistic regional work plan is crucial for success.
A regional adaptation collaborative may likely consist of stakeholders from disparate affiliations with different funding sources. These funding sources might not support collaborative work or align in terms of timelines. A strong regional adaptation collaborative will be mindful of this reality, and flexible enough to accommodate stakeholders’ respective capacities.
The approaches to developing a work plan for a regional adaptation collaborative can vary. A collaborative might meet for a limited time and develop a simple, short-term plan of action, or it might create a large-scale, long-term, and evolving framework.
Once you finalize your initial work plan, the task of implementing that plan through early stage activities begins. There is no single path to success, as is demonstrated by the examples discussed above. Defining a plan that works for your region is the key to success.